7 ways to be more Productive in Daily Life | Habits of Productive People

Swareena Aggarwal
5 min readFeb 13, 2021

Time Management is not just about managing time, Its about managing YOURSELF.

Stephen R. Covey

The most productive people in the world know and follow these 7 Habits that makes them manage themselves better. Most of these habits are mindset habits than a to do habit. That is what makes them so effective. So, I won’t take much time and dive right into the habits of highly Productive People.

  • Prioritize
  • Plan their years, months, weeks and days
  • Create Tight bubble of total focus
  • Let Go of what doesn’t help them
  • Take Help
  • Take Rest
  • Do not Multi-task

1. Prioritize

The first step to be highly productive needs you to understand the difference between the things that need you attention right now and things that you can do later. Prioritizing is understanding that First things comes First. To do that you need to have a clear understanding of the tasks you have to do. and you will have to set deadlines to.

I have prepared a priority Quadrant planner which I give away for free. To access it , Click here.

2. Plan their years, months, weeks and days

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Benjamin Franklin

To be productive and effective you need to have a plan. (duh..)

However, just planning your day is not enough. You need to have a proper idea of the time frame you are getting into. I am a huge fan of Starting with my planning sessions. I have 3 main planning sessions. One each before the start of a new month, week and day. Apart from that I make sure that I have a Vision planning session before the start of each year, where i plan the intentions of the entire year.

This gives me flow for the entire year. I am about to complete my E-guide to my 3 stage planning process which will be a full extensive walkthrough. If you want to receive it.. Subscribe to the Blog Right Now!

3. Create Tight Bubbles of total Focus

A tight bubble of total focus is a designated work place where you can work without distractions. Its a tight bubble i.e, no one can penetrate it. Make yourself a space where nothing and no one can reach you until you want. Create for yourself an office space where you are only supposed to work.

This is not only a physical space but a mindset. The mindset of letting go of all distractions when you want to get something done. Switch off the notifications and all the noises around you.

Tip: Get yourself a White Noise machine. They work like magic. However, if you don’t want to buy a Machine just plug in earphones and listen to White noise Videos on YouTube. (just don’t get distracted)

Click Here to hear

4. Let Go of what doesn’t Help

One of the seven habits of Productive people is that they let go of things that don’t serve them. Doing things that don’t lead towards the main goal is a huge waste of time and energy. Productive people realize this and learn to identify such things. they stop wasting their energy on things that don’t matter and redirect it towards things that will actually make a difference.

Similarly they let go of people who don’t add value to their life or don’t build them up. They understand that, NETWORK=NETWORTH; so they make sure that their network build them up rather than tearing them down.

5. Take Help

You can’t do everything alone. You possibly do not know every skill in the world. Trying to do it yourself when you don’t know how to, is a recipe for failure. Learning and mastering a new skill will take time and till than you need someone to help you with.

Productive people know this and they don’t shy away from asking for help. They don’t let their Ego come in the way of productivity. They delegate their work and focus on what they can do. They build teams that complement each other and get stuff done.

6. Take Rest

Regeneration is an important part of growth. Working all the time and getting burned out eventually has never helped anyone. Understand something. Energy is everything and taking rest recreates the energy you lost.

Robin Sharma said in his book, the 5 AM club, (and I paraphrase): Real growth takes place in the regeneration phase.

If you don’t take proper rest at the end of the day, if you don’t get a good night sleep, how will you ever be able to concentrate the next day? Your head will feel heavy, your eyes will hurt. This is why productive people make sure that they schedule breaks between their work and have a good and sound sleep at night.

7. Do not Multi-Task

I have written a whole blog post on this topic, you can Click the link below to read it.

Why you should Quit Multi-Tasking and how to do it?

However, in short Multitasking divides you attention and focus which leads to poor quality of work and high level of stress. A study even proves that multitasking can lower down your IQ. You should really check out the whole blog for more information.

In no way these are all the habits of highly productive people. There are so many more. However mentioning all of them is out of the scope of this one post. So if you want to be updated on the productivity, mindset and life changing information I highly recommend you to Subscribe to the Blog and Join the community.

Read it at :- https://swareenaaggarwal.com/7-proven-ways-on-how-to-be-more-productive-the-big-talk/

Originally published at https://swareenaaggarwal.com on February 13, 2021.

