As the clock ticked , Shakshi lay on her bed.
Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling above her but her mind was wondering elsewhere.
A few days ago at breakfast, her mother had mentioned something about meeting a boy.
Having been asked to start looking for a life partner is very natural when a woman comes of age.
Shakshi had dated a lot of guys in college and it wasn’t like she didn’t want to get married.
Maybe sometime in future.
But right now she was at a very different place.
She was up for a promotion in her career and she has a long successful career ahead of her.
That’s what she wanted to concentrate on right now.
But when her parents asked to meet the boy, she could sense the urgency in their voice.
Her parents wanted her to get married and settle down, because last month only she turned 26.
Settle down- It is a very funny word.
What does that even mean?
Isn’t a woman who is successful in her career settled down? This word could mean different things for different people. And what if someone doesn’t want to settle down?
This was not the first time something like this has happened. Relatives talk.
So when few days ago in the morning her mother asked her to see a boy,
Shakshi agreed.
The meeting took place earlier this day.
It was a Coffee house in Gurgaon and by the time she reached the guy was already there.
Sandeep was a well mannered guy and in a way she liked him.
They talked about their lives and future plans. There were some very awkward pauses too.
Sandeep even mentioned how he was pushed to meet girls for marriage.
In all they both liked each other but just as friends. Although there was abandonment, none of them felt anything.
Getting married is a huge decision. It’s not like a date. If a date goes wrong, you can brush it off.
You can’t brush off a wrong marriage. Then how are we supposed to take this decision in an awkward meeting.
Sometimes these marriages work and everything is all ‘ Sugar and spice and everything nice’ ( for most of the part). But what if you end up getting stuck in an endless cycle of misery.
Isn’t it funny our parents talk about how important it is to take responsibility for a Dog, when we ask them if we can have a pet.
But a Human being.
“ Beta time k saath sab seekh Jaaoigi”
By the time the clock struck 12 o’clock, Shakshi was half asleep and her train of thoughts had halted.