Women Empowerment
“No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.”
Michelle Obama
Generations have passed and the fight for gender equality is still not over. Every day we see women fighting for their place in society and every day we win just a little. You may think that after soo much time, we should be moving faster towards a society where one ‘whole’ half of the society is not left behind. Unfortunately, that is the case… We are slow. Fortunately, people realize this and we are still moving.
Women Empowerment 1.0
Amidst all this, comes the issue of women empowerment. When we hear the term “women empowerment” the first thing that comes to our mind is lifting women to be an equal counterpart in the society. We think of women empowerment as protecting the women in our society. However, the major flaw with this thinking is that it places the women as weak and unequal.
“Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone’s responsibility”
— Ban Ki-moon
Women Empowerment 2.0
Women are already equal and strong. What we actually need is a realization of that fact. We need each and every member of this society to have that mindset shift. That includes the women too.
Being oppressed for over centuries, the women have been brainwashed into thinking that they are weak and they need empowerment. Truth is that they already have the power in them and what they need is unlocking that power.
Unleashing the potential
So, now how to unlock the potential locked away?
There are many things I can say. I will just say one. Skill development. You can empower anyone as much as you want, but that would mean nothing when they can’t empower themselves.
Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.
(Yeah, I did make a change in that quote….. you can call me feminist!)
The point is, women need to learn for themselves how to get empowered. To do that they need the skills to be independent. A person is empowered when they can support themselves mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.
In the end, It doesn’t matter how many laws are made. A nation is not the law, its the people; and that’s what exactly needs to change. The way people perceive women and their empowerment.
I know I left a lot of things in here, so feel free to leave your thoughts and views . They are always welcomed.
Edit:- We don’t know how it started, the oppression. Was it Eve eating the forbidden fruit or Pandora opening the box? Was it a product of insecurity or some text in a book written by men/human? All we know that the time has changed and so is how we live. That is why we need to change.
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